Jonathan Juviler M.Ost of Four Health is a registered osteopath who trained at the British School of Osteopathy, qualifying with a Master’s degree.
Jonathan has a wide range of experience in the treatment of amateur and high level sports people, musicians, dancers, those suffering with chronic pain conditions and people with postural complaints. He has worked in practices across London and specialist clinics treating older patients, those suffering with chronic illnesses, and expectant mothers.
The additional training Jonathan has completed includes: Advanced joint manipulation techniques, functional techniques (very gentle and good for acute pain) and sports massage therapy in order to offer his patients a broad and bespoke treatment programme.
Jonathan has also lectured at The Royal College of Music in areas such as how our bodies function under stress whilst performing, and adapting posture to reduce the likelihood of injury.
What is Osteopathy and is it right for me?
Osteopathy is a form of primary healthcare that can diagnose and treat a wide variety of medical conditions. The list below includes some of the many conditions an osteopath may be able to help with. For a more extensive list please click here.
Osteopaths consider the structure and function of your body and that your health depends on the joints, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues all working in harmony with one another. Touch, articulation, massage and stretching of the tissues and joints are used by an osteopath to help encourage your bodies own healing. Jonathan will also recommend specific stretches, exercises and lifestyle changes that will help your recovery. For information on what to expect from your appointment please click here.
For bookings or more information please contact Jonathan Juviler directly on 07932 022503 or email info@fourhealth.co.uk